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Legal Notes

This website is managed by the (“Site Owner”). The Site does not represent a newspaper, as it is updated without any regular periodicity. Therefore, it does not constitute an “editorial product” under Law no. 62 of 7 March 2001, nor does it apply the provisions provided for the press, including the rules of Law no. 47 of 8 February 1948. Accessing and browsing the Site by users is free and constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of these legal notes. In case the user does not intend to accept these conditions, it is sufficient for them to refrain from browsing the pages of the Site.

Limitation of Liability The Site Owner assumes no responsibility for any problems that may arise from the use of the Site and/or external sites that can be accessed through any links within the Site. Links to external sites on the Site are provided as a simple service to users, with exclusion of any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of all indicated links. The indication of the links does not imply any approval or sharing of responsibility on the part of the Site Owner regarding the legitimacy, completeness, and correctness of the information contained in the indicated sites. The Site Owner, except as otherwise provided by law, cannot be held responsible in any way for damages of any kind caused directly or indirectly by accessing the Site, inability to access it, reliance on the information contained therein and/or their use.

Copyright and Copyright Law All content on the Site, including texts, documents, trademarks, logos, images, graphics, their arrangement, and their adaptations, are protected by copyright law and trademark law, as well as covered by Copyright. The Site may also contain images, videos, articles, documents, logos, and trademarks of third parties who have expressly authorized the Site Owner to publish them on this website and/or have been acquired and published by the Site Owner in good faith as material considered public domain. The aforementioned third-party material is also protected by copyright law and trademark law and is also covered by Copyright. Without prejudice to strictly personal uses, it is not allowed to copy, alter, distribute, publish and/or use the contents of this Site without the prior and specific authorization of the Site Owner and, in any case, with the express obligation to cite the source.

Privacy No personal data will be required of visitors to access the Site. Where personal data is required for the use of specific services and/or to respond to any contact requests, the personal data provided by the user will be processed in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (“Personal Data Protection Code”) and with methods suitable to guarantee confidentiality and security, as per specific information provided to the user in the Site’s privacy policy.

Cookies For details regarding the use of cookies, please refer to the specific cookie policy.

Applicable Law The conditions contained in this legal notice are governed by Italian law. The Site Owner reserves the right to modify the contents of the Site and these legal notes at any time and without notice.